Saturday, February 28, 2015

Poetry & Photography (Series I: Flowers)

Series I: Flowers

Caress Me by Ilana Welch

Lay To Rest 

Let me go home 
Lay my bones to rest, 
among the fields to grow 
Let the sun shine me to sleep 
Let the wind caress me and share my joy

by Ilana Welch

Huddled Close for the Comfort & Joy by Ilana Welch


for my mother

They are fleeting.
They are fragile.
They require

little water.
They’ll surprise you.
They’ll remind you

that they aren’t
and they are you.

by Wendy Videlock 

A Strange and Wondrous Thing by Ilana Welch

Sea Iris 

Weed, moss-weed, 
root tangled in sand, 
sea-iris, brittle flower, 
one petal like a shell 
is broken, 
and you print a shadow like a thin twig. 

Fortunate one, 
scented and stinging, 
rigid myrrh-bud,
sweet and salt—you are wind 
in our nostrils. 

Do the murex-fishers 
drench you as they pass? 
Do your roots drag up colour 
from the sand? 
Have they slipped gold under you— 
Harder To Find The Darkness in The Light by Ilana Welch

rivets of gold? 

Band of iris-flowers 
above the waves, 
you are painted blue, 
painted like a fresh prow
stained among the salt H. D. 

The Night Flower Blooms at Midnight

Watch its petals of pearls as they,
slowly come to life
Each stirs softly unfurling
The fringes waking first,
stretch lavishly never moving
But still it creeps outward, 
each petal settling in its place
The Night Flower blooms at midnight

Midnight Flower by Ilana Welch
Turning slowly it faces the moon
the moon's silvery beams lighten
on dew encrusted petals gleaming in the night
Its heart reveled at last,
it settles with a sigh
Sunlight's first touches fill the sky
Sun sparks fall on the Night Flower

It withers in the suns light
head is drooping low
Its petals singed they cascade, 
in sorry circles to the ground
The night flower blooms at midnight
Then it is gone

by Ilana Welch
Paper Thin & Soft as Silk by Ilana Welch

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